MESSAGE DU FIELD-MARSHAL ALEXANDER PRODUIT EN AVRIL 1945. Distribué aux troupes alliées en Italie pour les remercier et les encourager à un dernier effort avant l'assaut final. Format 15,2 x 20,5 cm. Document authentique rare. BE/TBE
Le texte est le suivant:
April , 1945
Soldiers , Sailors and ' Airmen of the Allied Forces in the Mediterranean Theatre Final victory is near .
The German Forces are now very groggy and only need one mighty punch to knock them out for good . The moment has now come for us to take the field for the last battle which will end the war in Europe . You know what our comrades in the West and in the East are doing on the battlefields . It is now our turn to play our decisive part . It will not be a walk - over ; a mortally wounded beast can still be very dangerous . You must be prepared for a hard and bitter fight ; but the and is quite certain - there is not the slightest shadow of doubt about that . You , who have won every battle you have fought , are going to win this last one .
Forward then into battle with confidence , faith and determination to see it through to the end . Godspeed and good luck to you all .
H.C. Alexander
Field - Marshal ,
Supreme Allied Commander ,
Mediterranean Theatre .